What Is A Rapala Knot?
It seems like everyone who fishes has their own favorite fishing knot to use when attaching line to hooks, lures and swivels. It is important to know which knot you should use for the specific lure or hook that you are using. Not all knots are created equal--some will hold your weight better than others while some knots slip easily and don't hold as well. The Rapala Knot is one of the preferred b ounding knots for many anglers and is an excellent choice if you want a knot that holds and does not slip. How To Tie A Rapala Knot: The Rapala Knot has been designed to provide you with the ability to attach your fishing line to your hook, lure or swivel and still allow for a quick release. Note: The whipping knot shown at the beginning of this article is not considered a part of the Rapala Knot. Note: The whipping knot shown at the beginning of this article is not considered a part of the Rapala Knot. Rapala Knot Instructions: After you have made your connection to the hook, lure...