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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2021

What Is A Rapala Knot?

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It seems like everyone who fishes has their own favorite fishing knot to use when attaching line to hooks, lures and swivels. It is important to know which knot you should use for the specific lure or hook that you are using. Not all knots are created equal--some will hold your weight better than others while some knots slip easily and don't hold as well. The Rapala Knot is one of the preferred b ounding knots for many anglers and is an excellent choice if you want a knot that holds and does not slip. How To Tie A Rapala Knot: The Rapala Knot has been designed to provide you with the ability to attach your fishing line to your hook, lure or swivel and still allow for a quick release. Note: The whipping knot shown at the beginning of this article is not considered a part of the Rapala Knot. Note: The whipping knot shown at the beginning of this article is not considered a part of the Rapala Knot.  Rapala Knot Instructions: After you have made your connection to the hook, lure...

What’s the best fishing line for swordfish?

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  This is a question that I get asked all the time. And don’t get me wrong, swordfish are probably one of the most fun and exciting game fish out there to catch on rod and reel while you are saltwater fishing. However, they can also be one of the most frustrating to hook in terms of fighting them and landing them. So in this article I will try to give you some tips on how to catch swordfish when you are deep-sea fishing so that it can be more enjoyable for you. One thing is for sure, when it comes to fighting swordfish on a conventional reel you will need a heavy duty, thick diameter line. You don’t want your line to break when the swordfish takes off on you and runs for 30 minutes straight before finally tiring out. It has been my experience that 60lb test monofilament is perfect for stand up gear fishing to catch swordfish. If you are using conventional gear then you should be using 80lb test monofilament. The thicker line will give your drag more bite which in return will give...

Selecting Choosing A Suitable Fishing Boat

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  One of the most important equipment for fishing is a fishing boat . Whether you go out alone or with your family, it will be better if you bring along the right and appropriate boat that fits your preference and purpose. That way, you could make use of your time spent in the water to enjoy and maximize all the fun. A good example here is a fishing boat. There are so many models of boats available in the market today from fiberglass to aluminum, from inflatable boat to wood, but if you have no idea what would be suitable for your purposes and preference then all that shopping could seem like a chore and not an adventure. Choosing the right fishing boat will depend on your specific needs and purposes. There are certain factors that should be taken into account before buying one for yourself, such as the number of people who will be joining you, your preferred water body or fishing spot, the boat's size if it is to carry people or equipment, etc. Boat Size & Capacity Your comfo...

Where To Find Swordfish?

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  Swordfish can be found in both salt and fresh water. Some of the best places to find them are in the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico. They can also be found in some inland lakes and rivers. Swordfish are usually caught by commercial fishermen using deep-sea fishing gear. However, they can also be caught by sport fishermen using trolling gear. Swordfish can be a challenging fish to catch, but they are definitely worth the effort. When you're fishing for swordfish , it's important to use the right tackle and bait. Some of the best baits for swordfish include mackerel, herring, squid, and octopus. You can also use artificial lures, such as plugs and spoons. Swordfish are a popular sport fish, and they can be found in many coastal areas. If you're looking to catch a swordfish, be sure to check out the latest fishing reports. The best time of year to fish for them is during the summer and fall. Swordfish are a delicious fish, and they can be coo...

What Is The Best Florida Fishing Spots?

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  There are many different Florida fishing spots to choose from, but it can be tough to know which one is the best for your needs. Here is a look at some of the most popular options and what you can expect from each one. 1. The Gulf Coast: This region offers some of the best saltwater fishing in the state. You can expect to catch a variety of fish, including redfish, snook, trout, and tarpon. 2. The Florida Keys: This is a great spot for fishing for bonefish, permit, and tarpon. The waters are also home to a variety of other fish species. 3. Tampa Bay: This area is known for its great fishing for bass, bluegill, catfish, and crappie. 4. The St. Johns River: This river is a popular spot for fishing for largemouth bass, redbreast sunfish, and striped bass. 5. Central Florida: If you are looking for a great spot to fish for a variety of different species, then Central Florida is the place for you. You can expect to find bass, bream, catfish, crappie, and more in this area. No matte...